Google Banned Checker Tools
Today i've seen a great tools in visiting some blogs in internet. Google introduced me that they have a great tools called Google Banned Checker Tools. I used for several times and got very good result to find out my website is banned or not. You can easily integrate it in your website.
If you want to check any website that banned or not then enter the URL with www like It can also check that Google indexed your or any website or not. So enjoy with Google browsing.
Check your website below.
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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
HSTU admission test result has been published
Download the result sheet from here
Merit List:
B unit: 17.01.2011
Waiting List:
B unit 20.01.2011
Reserved Places:
Hide all your links
Want to concentrate solely on typography and foundational structure while you’re designing your next WordPress theme? Hide all your links. Make them black. Get rid of the underline and make them blend in. Destroy all visual evidence of hypertextuality. Show no mercy as you attack the lists and paragraphs and headings that shore up your content and don’t let anything distract you from your end goal: typographic excellence.
Assuming you’re starting with a white background and black text, CSS makes it relatively easy to exterminate anchors with extreme prejudice:
a {
There. Now go make something beautiful.